Rabu, 05 September 2012


By Bahrul Ulumi[2]

Javanese people have great respect for religious teachers who are often called ustad / kyai. Even though they should always educate and supervise students in boarding schools, but they still teach at the community outside of teaching hours in schools. This paper will describe the information-seeking behavior among ustads to address the issues they face, both at school and at home.

Islamic Boarding School is often called pondok or pesantren. It is a place where students lived with and studied under the guidance of a teacher who is often known as kyai or ustad. There are four elements in the majority of pesantren in Central Java, namely kyai, dormitory, mosque, and school.
In ancient times, kyai is a key element why parents send their children in boarding school (Zamakhsyari,1994). But the condition changes now that kyai does not become a major figure and not a determinant of school curriculum too. Nowadays, parents send their children in boarding schools are not underpinned by kyai or ustad’s (teacher at pesantren) fame but because they do not have time to supervise their children directly. They also argued that the social conditions among young people more free. Quite often teenagers are addicted to cigarettes or drugs. That's why the parents feel more secure to enter their children in boarding schools. (interview with a parent of student).
The parents believe that education in pesantren is relatively more able to control their children to do well because they are under ustad’s control for 24 hours in a day. Ustads are ready to watch them both at the time in class, as well as activities outside the classroom lessons. In pesantren, ustads have a very strict supervision. Apparently at the same time, the public has great expectations to ustads to not only teach in the pesantren, but they also teach in the community around it. The ustad often play two characters at once, one hand they have to succeed the school lessons for their students, while when at home, they are required to be a problem solver for the surrounding community.
This research aims to describe how the information seeking behavior among ustads in addressing the problem both as ustads at the pesantren and in the community, and it also to describe what the obstacles faced by the ustads to resolve the problem, both in the pesantren and at the home.

2.1.  ISB
As human beings in general, ustads always try to meet the needs of the information. These needs can be met by the Ustads actively or passively. Talking with friends, watching  a television show is a human activity that aims to meet the information needs. To meet the needs of such information, people generally have the typical information-seeking behavior. Wilson defines ISB as 

“The purposive seeking for information as a consequence of a need to satisfy some goal. In the course of seeking, the individual information systems (such as a newspaper or a library), or with computer based systems (such as the World Wide Web)”.

            Behavior is an act that is used as a means to achieve the goal, so that it can meet the needs of information seekers. This activity is a dynamic activity because it is useful to address the problems faced. The information-seeking behavior appears as a factor of one's information needs. Anyone, including the ustad will face with a problem where the knowledge of theirs does not necessarily explain or answer the issues they were facing.
            Information-seeking behavior can be observed from anyone in need, what type is required, how the information is found, how the information is evaluated, and also concerning the selection of sources of information. Darmono in Yasir (2009, 20) says that there are several categories of information seeking, namely:
• Any form of activity associated with the peer, or expert
• Any form of activity that related with information unit
• Activities that appear or not appear in the search for information
• Choice of form of information relating to the utilization of information resources
• Use of tool

2.2. ISB  Models
2.2.1. Kuhthau
Kuhlthau (1991) formulated six stages of information searching. The Kuhlthau’s  stages are the initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection, and presentation. The stages are illustrated in the following figure:

to each
Thoughts Common
 to each
Actions Commons to each
Task according
to Kuhlthau



Sense of direction/
Increased interest
Seeking relevant or focused information
Or disappointment
Clearer or


Figure1. (Kuhlthau, 1991, 367)

 Kuhlthau (1991) explains that the first phase is the Initiation of an early stage, characterized by a sense of uncertainty. So what needs to ensure the information seekers of information; Selection is the stage where the search information to ensure the general topic of a search (identify); Exploration is the search within a specific stage (Investigate); Formulate is a more specific focus on topics or issues. Collection is the stage where information seekers gather information relevant to the topic; Presentation is the final stage of the search will result in two possibilities, satisfied or not satisfied.

2.2.2. Ellis
Pendit (2008) mentioned six stages of the model. They are Starting, Chaining, Browsing, differentiating, Monitoring, and Extracting. Starting consists of activities that trigger information search activities; Chaining is a series of activities following the citation, or reference between the documents; Browsing is an activity of searching, wandering, but still somewhat focused in areas that are potentially found the materials sought; Differentiating is the separation, using the characteristics in the sources of information as a benchmark to check the quality of information; Monitoring is to monitor progress by concentrating on a few selected sources; extracting is systematically digging at one source to retrieve information that is considered important.
Then Pendit  (2008) describes the model of Ellis as shown below:

                  Figure 2. Ellis model (Pendit, 2008)
3.        METHOD
This research  used a qualitative approach in order to dig more deeply about information-seeking behavior among ustads.This case study makes the researcher gain a comprehensive understanding of the various dimensions of the case facts and information seeking behavior among ustads. Bogdan and Taylor in Kurniadi (2004:38) states that a qualitative approach as a research procedure that generates the data in the form of words written or spoken of the people and the observed behavior, this approach is directed at the individual's background and thoroughly and will be better again when giving subjects the freedom to express their responses in depth and naturally as possible.
In this study, researcher selected informants with criteria 1) have experience in the field, 2) have a high mobility, 3) occupy a key position in the boarding school. Referring of this, the researcher chose informants who are considered able to answer the research problem. Object of this study is ustads in Selamat Islamic Boarding House, and subject of research is information seeking behavior among ustads.
This research used purposive sampling techniques to choose informants based on 1) Ustad  was teaching at the boarding school, 2) he/she has also taught in the community  where the lived.

4.1. Profile of informants
There are ustads who teach in the pesantren. Most of them living in boarding schools and some others live outside the pesantren. Their task was to oversee the students at the school and outside school. Meanwhile there are also ustads who teach in schools, but did not live there. Ustads who live outside their schools were also taught the people, and of course also involved in socio-religious activities. In this research, the ustads who became informant3 amounted to 3 people. They are the ustads who teach students in pesantren in the morning, while outside of teaching hours in the morning, they teach and engage in community and socio-religious activities.
They are Nafila, Sulaeman, and Fauzi. Nafila is a teacher of art and culture; Sulaeman is a teacher of Islamic Studies, and Fauzi is a teacher of Arabic Language.
4.2. Information needed
Teaching quality is not just in how to convey knowledge to students based on the existing textbooks, but also about how knowledge is being studied refers to a reliable source of information, and also how that knowledge can be applied in everyday life.
Nafila for example, she taught art and culture. If only the textbook is taught, the teaching would not appeal to students. She is also trying to link arts and culture studies with the tenets of Islam. She was not only looking for information on what is taught in the classroom, but also looking for the information that answers the question og her society. In the village, as a religious leader, she must prepare to answer all questions about how the social and religious teachings are applied in everyday life. In this position, she is always looking for information related to Islamic law (Islamic Jurisprudence) because more people asked to explain Islamic jurisprudence especially concerning women’s problems.
Fauzi teaches Arabic. According to him, the material in the book is sufficient for the students, at both the junior and senior high school, but he felt he had a lot of searching for information related to the delivery methods in teaching Arabic. Fauzi faces the fact that students have diverse backgrounds. Most are already familiar with the Arabic language, but others are not familiar with Arabic language.
At home, People assume that Fauzi taught at the school, then they are not wrong when they asked him questions relating to the Islamic law of zakaah. According to the scriptures, the wealth that must be spent to pay the zakaah is the result of agriculture or trade, but they are not from a group of farmers and traders, Then they ask about zakaah of  profession.
Sulaeman teaches Islam studies (fiqh, morals, etc.) at pesantren. In everyday teaching practice, Sulaeman has not  a problem, because from the beginning until now he has been those subjects. His educational background makes it easier to answer the question of religious instruction in schools. The concern is precisely the people in his village. He is dealing with old religious scholars (old kyais), whose views are conservative and unwilling to change. He tries to find the latest information about the religious and social community to convince the old kyai that knowledge of theirs is not relevant, and  can not answer the occurrence or the dynamics of today's society.
4.3. ISB models among ustads.
Information seeking process may differ between the ustads with researchers, scientists, professors or other professionals. I saw Khulthau models can be used to view information search model among ustad. Khulthau said there are six stages in the search information includes the initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection, and presentation.
4.3.1. Initiation.
At this stage, the ustads had actually realized that they need certain information in order to resolve the problems. So in this condition cause the feeling unsure and uncertain, resulting in efforts arise associate the situation with information search. The informants had different problems with each other even though they were teaching at the same pesantren. Nafila for example. She taught art and culture. A thriving arts and culture today is much broader than the previous art and culture, which in certain cases she has to explain the concept of art and culture in Islam.
What Nafila faced was the text of the hadith does not recommend to draw a living thing or make a statue that resembles a person. Message of the hadith is contrary to the fact that the drawing is part of the cultural arts curriculum. When referring to the hadith of the prophet, there is a belief that someone who makes statues or paintings that resemble living creatures will be forced to make a similar creature in the hereafter. These conditions make her trying to find information on teaching about Islam and the arts and culture, whether in fact there is a match between the teachings of Islam with the subjects she teaches. These conditions make her uncertainty.
In addition, she has a double responsibility, at school and home. She had different problems between at the school with at home. At school she tried to compromise the verse or hadith of the prophet with the actual events in the subjects of art and culture, while at home she was asked about implementation of Islamic Jurisprudence for women.
What happened to Nafila also experienced Sulaeman and Fauzi. In schools, Sulaeman and Fauzi act as a figure who mastered the teachings of Islam, as well as in his society. Sulaeman has problem with old kyai concerning with Friday prayer for muslimah in congregation. Sulaeman  recommends muslimah to perform  Friday prayer  but the Old kyais do not recommend. Meanwhile Fauzi has problem with teaching method at school and also zakaah of profession asked by his neighbors.
The Conditions mentioned above make the informants have anomalous as expressed by Belkin (Achananuparp), where experience and knowledge that exist in the informants is not sufficient to answer the issues they face today.

4.3.2. Selection/Exploration
This stage, in view of Wilson (1999) selection and exploration can be in one stage. Nafila try to identify all the resources associated with the problems she faced, both at school and at home. She was optimistic but at the same time confused about all the problems. So she tried talking with her colleagues who joined in MGMP / subject teacher meetings and a lecturer of art.
Sulaeman begins to identify the sources associated with Friday prayers, both derived from the yellow book or commonly Javanese called it “kitab kuning” another sources.  He feels optimistic to find those materials related problems he faced.
While Fauzi feels compelled to share information and discussion with colleagues who live in boarding schools on the issue of learning the Arabic language. While for the problems associated with the community around his house, he find and select from the sources he has.
4.3.3. Formulation
After exploration, go to the next stage of the formulation. This stage  determines because of uncertainty feelings begin to disappear and the informants were getting clearer information about the problems.
Nafila gets clarity on the answers that have been the problem. She had found a source that could compromise the teachings of religion with culture and art lessons. Sulaeman feels much more confident because he got the clarity of the reference source that can he used to argue with old kyai  in the old village. And Fauzi also feels happy because the issue of Arabic learning and teaching methods in the class got the clarity. He also felt happy because the issue of Arabic learning and teaching methods in the class got the clarity after sharing information with colleagues, as well as issues asked by the public charity, he had a certain clarity of the source literature.
4..3.4. Collection
Collection, that is, gather relevant information on the focus (Wilson, 1999). At this stage, the informants collect important information related to their problems. They tried to find the resources that are more specific, but they do not come to check and trace the source of the material found in the bibliography. Nafila for example. She was looking for the source of the sacred texts and books are also associated with the development of material culture and art in the school library where she teaches.
Nafila has very strategic position to raise the argument about the relationship between Islamic teaching cultural art. On one side, he taught art and culture in the classroom, at the same time he also had to explain to all students because there are many statues in the Modern Islamic Boarding School Selamat. According to historical records, the boarding school has never collected in the form of paintings or statues of people. When Selamat put a lot of statues, an art teacher would have to explain the permissibility of Islamic teachings in making paintings or statues of people.
She also must gather information about Islamic women's jurisprudence for the people around her house. According to her, the collection of information resources related to women's jurisprudence is relatively easier because the sources that explore the theme is easily obtained. These sources do not contain the controversy as the issue of cultural arts.
Sulaeman usually collect reference material from classical to modern literature. He had a simple reason that the old kyais would only use the sources of classical literature, while, in reality the classic sources are not necessarily able to answer the current problems. for it Sulaeman also collects classical and modern literature. He mastered the classical sources to show the old kyais that there are some sources that have expired, and new sources (fatwa of ulama) can answer the problems concerning with muslimah that perform  Friday prayers in congregation.
Fauzi faces the same problem with an informant earlier, there are some neighbors asking about something that has not been evaluated by the classic books. Zakaah of profession for example. Zakaah of profession that must be paid by the person who has a particular profession outside of farmers and traders. In the classical book, which is obliged to pay zakaah are farmers and traders only. However, now there are so many kinds of professions that exist so that the zakaah must be paid by them. Even when compared to profession of  traders or farmers, perhaps now more professions make money. These religious issues faced by Fauzi.
In this stage, the he felt a bit relieved because there is a book that explores the zakaah of profession. By finding this book, he feels no need any more to share with a friend related question asked by the community. In this stage, he was increasingly convinced that his search is more specific to the up to date information, which comes on the latest books.
4.3.5. Presentation
Presentation is a re-examination of the information gathered by the informants. It could be information that was initially ignored even be useful for the purpose of information seekers. This stage ends with the two possibilities, the informants satisfied with the results of information search, or not satisfied.
Nafila can find answers to the problems encountered so far, both issues at the Islamic Boarding School Selamat or at home. Not easy for her to answer the questions that can give satisfaction to the requesters. There are books that explore the problems encountered, but all the books supported on the literal meaning of the hadith. These books will certainly discredit her position as an art teacher. Fortunately There are many books that explore the problems encountered, but all the books supported on the literal meaning of the hadith. Fortunately there is a book that supports the idea of art that not only look at the art based on the hadith text, but look at the case returned to the context. She feels satisfied because there is literature that gives permissibility of Islamic art and culture.
Sulaeman was satisfied that it can get literature from the yellow book and a collection of contemporary fatwas. Without the literatures, it is difficult for him to give new  views to old kyais about Friday Prayers fo muslimah.
Fauzi faces the problems associated with the Zakaah of profession. Quran ordered to Zakaah, but no details for the profession. The most common is a farmer and merchant. Of course, he does not just refer to the Quran but also contemporary interpretations and fatwas.

5.1. Individual factor.
Islamic Boarding School Selamat requires  certain teachers to come in the morning and return in the evening (05.00 AM-04.30 PM). This pattern is different from the school in general (07.00 AM-02.PM). The rule also applies to Nafila, a teacher of cultural art. As a housewife, of course this is rather difficult position because she could not accompany breakfast with her children and drive them to school. Her activities at home and in the Pesantren made ​​her has no spare time to visit the library and read a lot. She often asks librarians to provide the required books. When she finds a particular references, they will  make her happy though she realizes not be able to check the reference sources used by the author of the book.
The regulations also for Sulaeman and Fauzi which should arrive in pesantren at 05.00 AM and return at 4:30 PM. This condition makes them have no free time to search information at school libraries. Sulaeman has many roles. He is a teacher and supervisor for the physical development of the pesantren, in addition he became a teacher of the Koran in his house. he tells:
"My students under the age of five to over fifty years"
5.2. Exploration Information
            Nafila and Sulaeman just use the books and discuss it with colleagues, while forgetting other sources (internet). They rarely explore the information on the internet. They tend to use books as sources of information they need. Lack of expertise in exploring the information via the Internet is causing them to use the book as its main source.

Information-seeking behaviors among ustads and lecturers or researchers are different. Academic works produced by researchers and lecturers in universities requires the manners of scientific writing. In scientific writing requires them to research citations or references to reliable sources. Meanwhile, the ustads was no need to check the source of reference as done by scientists or researchers. For them, as long as it gets answers to the problems encountered, they had had enough.
Model of information seeking behavior among ustads is more similar to that presented by Wilson proposal when comparing the ISP model of Kuhlthau and Ellis, which is actually their activities can be seen in the Recognize, Identify / formulate, Gather, Complete as seen in Wilson (1999)

Figure 3: A comparison of Ellis's and Kuhlthau's frameworks

            Ustads often feel too much time teaching to students in the classrooms. This situation forced them rarely visit the library and read a lot of literatures, or at least, when they encounter certain problems can resolve themselves without having to depend on others, namely librarians. Boarding school management should be able to provide “spare time” for ustads to increase knowledge by visiting the library. In addition, management should provide training of information literacy for ustads, so that they can independently seek information from a variety of sources.

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[1] This Paper is presented in The 15th CONSAL (Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians) Meeting and General Conference, Bali, 27-31 May 2012.

[2] Librarian at IAIN (State Institute for Islamic Studies) Walisongo Semarang, and a lecturer of LIS at UNDIP. Email:  bulumi@gmail.com

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